Monday 3 February 2014

Film Trailer: Planning

Me and the rest of my group made a startling realisation once we'd finished with our posters and magazine covers: now we actually have to make the trailer.
Lots of us had so many different ideas to get across so we decided to go away, write them all down in the form of a list of shots or a part of a storyboard, and meet again. This was the snippet of storyboard that my idea was on:

With everybody's conflicting storyboards and ideas it was a nightmare to put them all together and compromise, but once we'd all just sat down on a Thursday afternoon for an hour and talked it through, we finally managed to wrangle something a little bit like a plan of a film trailer into a list on this: my most prized piece of paper for 2014.
This will be the list we will (hopefully) constantly refer to throughout production and post-production of our trailer so that we know what should come where and we don't forget any good ideas.
We also have a shoot planned for this Thursday afternoon and Friday morning to film the office scenes with our Chief Superintendent. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. good evidence of planning seen through these uploads. Your storyboarding is accurate and develops a vision for your cinematography.
    Your prized sheet is great! I can see a real sense of the trailer that will emerge. You can now take this sheet and build in evidence of each individual shoot with a typed and less hectic shot list/planning sheet.
