Questions 5 and 6 asked audiences what they think made the film they saw interesting and unique, and a lot of them spoke about different focuses for the plots of their films, such as the main characters being magicians or how factual or relatable it was. A lot of people said they liked the films that had unexpected endings or plot twists.
Finally, questions 7 and 8 asked audiences about the content of the film and which parts they enjoyed the most. A large majority of the responders said that they experience excitement during good police/crime thriller films, so our trailer will have to be very exciting, but very equal answers were given to question 8 which asked what themes the viewers preferred when watching police/crime thrillers. We will have to sit down as a group and decide which theme to focus on in order to get a clear answer for that.
Detailed, thorough and well thought through audience research. This will be hugely beneficial in making final ideas and linking back to your methodology in the evaluation stages. Well done.