Wednesday 30 April 2014

Evaluation: Final Audience Feedback

We asked a few of our peers what they thought of our work. Video not working? Click here to watch online.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Evaluation: Question 4

"How did you use media technologies in the construction, research and planning, and evaluation stages?"

Presentation not working? Click here to view online.

Friday 25 April 2014

Evaluation: Question 3

"What have you learned from your audience feedback?"  
Presentation not working? Click here to view online.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Evaluation: Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? Video not working? Click here to view online.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Evaluation: Question 1 - Part B

"In what ways does your media product use, develop, and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?"
Video not working? Click here to watch online.

Monday 21 April 2014

Evaluation: Question 1 - Part A

"In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?"Video not working? Click here to watch online.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Film Trailer: Playing Judas

Our final film trailer for Playing Judas.
Video not working? Click here to view online.

Friday 18 April 2014

Film Trailer: Production Days 5, 6+7

Here's the finished vlog of the filming we did to fill the gaps in our trailer. We went around London to get some good scenery shots for our mise en scene.

Video not working? Click here to watch online.

Film Trailer: Background Noise

Some of our clips, because we didn't have proper microphones to use, had a lot of background noise and wind to get rid of. For this, we used Adobe Audition.
It was much more simple than I'd expected it to be to remove the background noise in our files. First we selected the noise we wanted reduced, and then captured the sound print so that the program could find similar sound waves to remove. The area then goes silent.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Film Trailer: Set Pictures Days 5, 6+7

We're halfway through editing our trailer and, as we'd expected, have discovered some missing clips. We wanted to refilm the scene we rushed on the balcony on day three, because that was very rushed, and we also needed to film some more running shots from the same day. Although we got lots, they're still not filling up enough of the trailer.
In addition to this, we needed some more footage of our antagonist to show his importance in the trailer.
For these, we got the tube to Waterloo and did a lot of filming around Southbank and St. Paul's. This also assisted in our London setting mise en scene.


Friday 11 April 2014

Film Trailer: Soundtrack Creation

We found, when we put our soundtracks in, that we had quite a big gap in the beginning of our trailer. We couldn't find a suitable 'low strings' soundtrack to build up the tension, so, instead, I decided to use GarageBand to create one of my own. It took a very long time, mostly because the Macs we had wouldn't let us update to the newest version, so I didn't have the right instruments. In the end we only used a few seconds of the clip, but it definitely made a difference to our trailer.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Film Trailer: Soundtrack Decided!

We've started the editing phase properly - meaning we now have an introduction sequence and some of the middle that's been decided. Up until now we couldn't really work out appropriate timings for the trailer because we didn't have any music to work around, but Daniel has found some great tracks. This Mechanolith track is being put over the build-up and plot of our trailer - it has just the right bounce and suspense to make it exactly what we need. This untitled track will be used for the action part of our trailer, as it has enough melody and drive to, when the volume is lifted slightly, carry the fast-paced running shots we'll have at the climax. Finally, we're planning on using Dense Macabre - Low Strings Finale from for the final stages of the trailer, probably timed with some titles and the film's name.
Now that we've got the footage and the soundtracks, we can finally get things put together properly. I'm really pleased with the music we've got and I'm definitely glad we waited.

Friday 4 April 2014

Film Trailer: Soundtrack Ideas

Unlike our expectations, the search for a soundtrack for our trailer has been long and arduous. Given the number of amateur composers online, and the amount of music created each year, we thought it would be easier than it was to find some good music, but nothing's been quite right.
There have been a couple of websites we've found where we've thought we could find some good music, but then it's turned out we'd have had to pay, so that was a quick backtrack. Instead, we used these tracks as ideals to strive towards in our search. This has been especially disappointing on, where, after narrowing the search to 'cinematic', we found A Call To Duty, which had some great bits we could have cut and put together.
But, soon enough, I found, which was great for search and downloads. We filled in the qualities we wanted the music to have, like 'intense' and 'action', and it brought up a big list of options for us to listen to and choose from.
Although none of these are quite right for our trailer, we did think about them for ages, and spend hours trawling through the options. We quite liked some elements from Black Vortex, Failing Defense, and Interloper, but we're holding out for something much better. Fingers crossed it'll come to us soon.